Are Tensor Trucks Good? An In-Depth Evaluation

Are tensor trucks good? This is a question that has sparked debates among skateboarders and longboarders alike. Tensor trucks have gained popularity in recent years for their innovative design and advanced technology. With features such as improved turning ability and increased stability, many riders swear by these trucks. However, opinions on their performance vary, with some riders finding them too stiff or lacking in responsiveness. In this article, we will delve into the pros and cons of tensor trucks to help you decide if they are the right choice for your skating style.

When it comes to tensor trucks, one of the main advantages is their enhanced turning ability. The unique geometry and materials used in their construction allow for smoother and more precise turns, making them ideal for carving and technical maneuvers. Additionally, tensor trucks offer increased stability, providing a solid base for riders to confidently tackle tricks and high-speed runs. However, some skaters argue that these trucks can feel too stiff, limiting the board’s responsiveness and making it harder to execute certain tricks. It ultimately comes down to personal preference and riding style, so it’s important to weigh the pros and cons before deciding if tensor trucks are a good fit for you.

Are tensor trucks good?

Tensor trucks are known for their high-quality construction and innovative design, making them a popular choice among skateboarders. These trucks offer a range of benefits that contribute to their reputation as being good. Firstly, tensor trucks are made from durable materials such as aluminum alloy, which ensures their longevity and ability to withstand the rigors of skateboarding. This means that they are less likely to break or warp over time compared to lower-quality trucks.

Additionally, tensor trucks are designed to provide excellent performance. They feature a lightweight design that allows for better maneuverability and responsiveness. The geometry of tensor trucks is optimized to provide a stable and smooth ride, allowing skaters to maintain control while performing tricks or cruising around. The trucks also have a low profile, which lowers the center of gravity and enhances stability.

What makes tensor trucks stand out?

Tensor trucks stand out from other skateboard trucks due to their innovative features and attention to detail. One notable feature is the use of the patented “Slider” technology. This technology consists of a self-lubricating composite material that reduces friction, resulting in smoother and more consistent grinds. The Slider technology helps skaters slide longer and grind faster, enhancing their overall skateboarding experience.

Another standout feature of tensor trucks is their kingpin design. The kingpin is the central bolt that holds the truck together, and tensor trucks utilize a unique “Axle Lock” kingpin design. This design prevents the kingpin from slipping or coming loose during use, ensuring that the trucks remain stable and secure. It also allows for easy and quick adjustment of the truck tightness according to the skater’s preference.

Do tensor trucks offer good turning capabilities?

Yes, tensor trucks offer excellent turning capabilities. The design of the trucks includes a responsive turning mechanism that allows for quick and smooth turns. The geometry of the trucks, combined with the pivot cup and bushing setup, ensures that skaters can easily carve and maneuver while maintaining control and stability.

The turning capabilities of tensor trucks are further enhanced by the choice of bushings. Tensor trucks come with high-quality urethane bushings that provide a balance between responsiveness and stability. Skaters can adjust the tightness of the bushings to achieve their desired turning response, making tensor trucks suitable for a wide range of skateboarding styles and preferences.

Are tensor trucks suitable for street skating?

Yes, tensor trucks are well-suited for street skating. Street skating often involves performing tricks and maneuvers in urban environments, which require trucks that can handle the impact and provide stability. Tensor trucks excel in these areas due to their durable construction and stable design.

The low profile of tensor trucks helps skaters maintain stability when performing tricks on ledges, rails, or stairs. The trucks’ lightweight design also allows for better control and maneuverability, making it easier to navigate through obstacles commonly found in street skating environments. Overall, tensor trucks are a reliable choice for skaters who enjoy street skateboarding and want trucks that can withstand the demands of this style.

Do tensor trucks work well for transition skating?

Yes, tensor trucks work well for transition skating. Transition skating involves riding and performing tricks on ramps, bowls, and other curved surfaces. Tensor trucks are designed to provide the necessary stability and control required for this type of skating.

The geometry of tensor trucks ensures a smooth and predictable ride on transitions. The trucks’ low profile and lightweight design allow skaters to maintain balance and maneuverability while carving or performing aerial tricks. Additionally, tensor trucks have responsive turning capabilities, making it easier for skaters to generate speed and maintain flow on ramps and bowls.

Are tensor trucks suitable for beginners?

Yes, tensor trucks are suitable for beginners. The trucks’ stable and predictable performance make them a great choice for skaters who are just starting out. Tensor trucks provide a good balance between control and maneuverability, allowing beginners to learn the basics of skateboarding without sacrificing stability.

Furthermore, tensor trucks are durable and can withstand the learning process, ensuring that they will last as beginners progress and improve their skills. The trucks’ responsiveness also helps beginners develop their turning and carving techniques, making it easier for them to advance to more advanced skateboarding styles in the future.

What sizes do tensor trucks come in?

Tensor trucks come in a variety of sizes to accommodate different skateboard setups and individual preferences. The most common sizes for tensor trucks are 5.0, 5.25, and 5.5, which refer to the width of the hanger in inches. It’s important to choose a truck size that matches the width of the skateboard deck to ensure optimal performance and stability.

Some tensor truck models also offer a mid-size option, such as 5.25″ Mid or 5.5″ Mid, which provide a slightly wider hanger for improved stability and control. Skaters can choose the truck size that suits their specific needs and style of skateboarding, whether it’s street, park, or transition skating.

Do tensor trucks come with hardware?

No, tensor trucks do not typically come with hardware. When purchasing tensor trucks, they are usually sold as standalone items without additional hardware such as mounting bolts, nuts, or washers. Skaters will need to purchase hardware separately to attach the tensor trucks to their skateboard deck.

It’s important to select the appropriate hardware for tensor trucks, ensuring that the bolts are long enough to secure the trucks to the deck without protruding too far. Skateboard hardware is typically sold in sets, consisting of eight bolts and nuts, which is enough to attach both trucks to the deck.

Can tensor trucks be used with any skateboard deck?

Yes, tensor trucks can be used with any skateboard deck as long as the truck size matches the width of the deck. Tensor trucks are compatible with both standard and wide skateboard decks, allowing skaters to choose the deck that suits their preferences.

When selecting a skateboard deck to pair with tensor trucks, it’s important to consider the width of the trucks and match it with the width of the deck. This ensures that the trucks will fit properly and provide optimal performance. Skaters can consult the manufacturer’s specifications or seek advice from skate shop professionals to ensure a proper match between tensor trucks and skateboard decks.

Are tensor trucks suitable for heavy riders?

Yes, tensor trucks are suitable for heavy riders. The trucks’ durable construction and high-quality materials make them capable of supporting riders of various weights. Tensor trucks are designed to withstand the impact and pressure exerted by heavier riders, ensuring that they can perform optimally without compromising stability or control.

It’s important for heavy riders to consider the truck size when selecting tensor trucks. Choosing a wider truck size, such as 5.5 or 5.5 Mid, can provide additional stability for riders with a higher body weight. Additionally, adjusting the tightness of the trucks’ bushings can help customize the truck’s responsiveness to accommodate the rider’s preferences and weight.

Do tensor trucks require any maintenance?

Like any skateboard trucks, tensor trucks may require some maintenance to ensure optimal performance and longevity. Regular maintenance can help prolong the lifespan of the trucks and prevent potential issues. The following maintenance tasks are recommended for tensor trucks:

1. Cleaning: Remove any dirt or debris from the trucks regularly. This can be done using a damp cloth or a skateboard-specific cleaning solution. Cleaning the trucks helps to prevent corrosion and keeps them functioning smoothly.

2. Lubrication: Apply lubrication to the pivot cups and kingpin regularly. This helps to reduce friction and ensures that the trucks turn smoothly. Skate-specific lubricants or silicone-based lubricants can be used for this purpose.

3. Bushing replacement: Over time, the bushings on tensor trucks may wear out and lose their responsiveness. It is recommended to replace the bushings when they become worn or damaged to maintain optimal performance.

By following these maintenance practices, skaters can keep their tensor trucks in good condition and enjoy consistent performance and durability.

Are tensor trucks suitable for technical skateboarding?

Yes, tensor trucks are suitable for technical skateboarding. Technical skateboarding involves performing intricate tricks and maneuvers that require precise control and responsiveness. Tensor trucks excel in these areas due to their lightweight design and responsive turning capabilities.

The low profile of tensor trucks allows for better board feel, making it easier to execute flip tricks and technical maneuvers. The stable and predictable turning of the trucks enables skaters to navigate obstacles with precision and control. Whether it’s ledge tricks, technical flip tricks, or technical street skating, tensor trucks provide the necessary performance for these demanding styles of skateboarding.

Do tensor trucks come with a warranty?

Yes, tensor trucks typically come with a warranty against manufacturing defects. The length and terms of the warranty may vary depending on the specific model and manufacturer. It is recommended to check the warranty details provided by the manufacturer or contact the manufacturer directly for specific information about the warranty coverage.

In the event of a manufacturing defect, such as a structural flaw or material defect, the warranty may cover the replacement or repair of the defective tensor trucks. It’s important to retain the purchase receipt or any other proof of purchase to facilitate warranty claims, if necessary.

Are tensor trucks suitable for grinding?

Yes, tensor trucks are suitable for grinding. The innovative “Slider” technology utilized in tensor trucks enhances their grinding capabilities. The self-lubricating composite material used in the Slider technology reduces friction, allowing skaters to slide longer and grind faster.

Additionally, tensor trucks are built to withstand the impact and pressure exerted during grinding. Their durable construction ensures that the trucks can handle the demands of grinding without breaking or warping. The stable and predictable turning of tensor trucks also contributes to the overall grind performance, providing skaters with control and stability while executing grinds.

Do tensor trucks require riser pads?

Whether or not tensor trucks require riser pads depends on the skateboard setup and individual preferences. Riser pads are used to increase the distance between the skateboard deck and the trucks, providing additional clearance and preventing wheel bite.

If a skater prefers a higher ride height or needs extra clearance for larger wheels, riser pads can be used with tensor trucks. However, if the skateboard deck’s concave and the wheel size allow for sufficient clearance without riser pads, they may not be necessary.

Can tensor trucks be used for longboarding?

While tensor trucks are primarily designed for street skateboarding and technical tricks, they can also be used for certain styles of longboarding. Tensor trucks are suitable for cruising and carving on longboards, providing a stable and responsive ride.

However, it’s important to note that tensor trucks may not be the best choice for downhill or high-speed longboarding, as they are not specifically designed for these disciplines. For specialized longboarding styles that require specific truck characteristics, such as stability at high speeds or enhanced turning capabilities, there are other truck options available that are better suited for those purposes.

Are tensor trucks compatible with all skateboard wheels?

Yes, tensor trucks are compatible with all skateboard wheels. The axle width of tensor trucks is designed to accommodate standard skateboard wheels, making them suitable for use with any wheel brand or size.

Skaters can choose the wheel size and hardness that best suits their preferences and style of skateboarding, and tensor trucks will be able to support and work with those wheels. It’s important to ensure that the wheel size is appropriate for the skateboard deck and that there is sufficient clearance between the wheels and the deck to prevent wheel bite.

Can tensor trucks be used for vert skating?

Yes, tensor trucks can be used for vert skating. Vert skating involves riding and performing tricks on vertical ramps, halfpipes, or other large transitions. Tensor trucks provide the stability, control, and turning capabilities necessary for this style of skateboarding.

The geometry of tensor trucks, combined with their responsive turning mechanism, allows skaters to generate speed and maintain flow on vert ramps. The trucks’ lightweight design and low profile contribute to better aerial maneuverability and stability during high-speed transitions. Whether it’s carving, grinding, or executing aerial tricks, tensor trucks offer the performance required for vert skating.

Do tensor trucks come in different colors?

Yes, tensor trucks are available in a variety of colors. The specific color options may vary depending on the model and the manufacturer. Tensor trucks are often offered in a range of popular colors, such as black, silver, white, and various shades of metallic finishes.

The availability of color options allows skaters to customize their skateboard setup according to their personal style and preferences. Whether it’s matching the truck color with the skateboard deck or creating a contrasting color combination, tensor trucks offer options to suit individual tastes.

Are tensor trucks suitable for pool skating?

Yes, tensor trucks are suitable for pool skating. Pool skating involves riding and performing tricks in empty swimming pools or similar curved surfaces. Tensor trucks provide the stability, control, and turning capabilities needed for pool skating.

The trucks’ responsive turning mechanism allows skaters to navigate the curved walls of the pool with precision and control. The geometry of tensor trucks, combined with their lightweight design, ensures a smooth and predictable ride on pool coping. Whether it’s carving, grinding, or executing lip tricks, tensor trucks offer the performance required for pool skating.

Can tensor trucks be used with cruiser boards?

Yes, tensor trucks can be used with cruiser boards. Cruiser boards are typically designed for cruising and transportation, and tensor trucks provide the stability and control required for these purposes.

The trucks’ lightweight design and responsive turning mechanism make them suitable for cruising and carving on cruiser boards. Tensor trucks offer a smooth and enjoyable ride, allowing skaters to travel comfortably and navigate through various urban environments. Whether it’s commuting to school or cruising around town, tensor trucks can enhance the performance of cruiser boards.

Are tensor trucks suitable for old school skateboards?

Yes, tensor trucks are suitable for old school skateboards. Old school skateboards typically have wider decks and require trucks that match the deck’s width. Tensor trucks are available in various sizes, including wider options such as 5.5 or 5.5 Mid, making them compatible with old school skateboard decks.

The stable and predictable turning of tensor trucks allows skaters to enjoy smooth rides on old school boards. Whether it’s cruising, performing tricks, or rekindling the nostalgia of skateboarding’s early days, tensor trucks provide the necessary performance and stability for old school skateboarding.

Can tensor trucks be used with electric skateboards?

Tensor trucks can be used with electric skateboards, depending on the specific electric skateboard setup. Electric skateboards often come with pre-installed trucks, but some models allow for aftermarket truck replacements.

If the electric skateboard allows for truck customization or replacement, tensor trucks can be used to enhance the performance and ride quality of the electric skateboard. It’s important to ensure that the truck size matches the deck width and that any modifications comply with the manufacturer’s guidelines and warranty terms.

Do tensor trucks offer a smooth ride?

Yes, tensor trucks offer a smooth ride. The trucks’ design and construction contribute to a stable and comfortable skateboarding experience, ensuring that skaters can enjoy a smooth ride on various terrains.

The geometry of tensor trucks is optimized to minimize vibrations and provide a consistent ride. The trucks’ low profile and responsive turning mechanism allow skaters to navigate rough surfaces and uneven terrain with ease. Whether it’s cruising on the streets, skating in skate parks, or riding on bike paths, tensor trucks deliver a smooth and enjoyable ride.

Are tensor trucks suitable for aggressive skating?

Tensor trucks are primarily designed for street skateboarding and technical tricks, and may not be the most suitable choice for aggressive skating. Aggressive skating involves performing high-impact tricks on obstacles such as rails, ledges, and stairs.

For aggressive skating, specific truck designs, such as

In conclusion, when it comes to the question of whether tensor trucks are good, the answer is a resounding yes. Tensor trucks have gained a reputation for their superior performance and durability. With their innovative design and high-quality materials, they provide skaters with a smooth and stable ride, allowing them to perform tricks with ease.

One of the key advantages of tensor trucks is their precision. The engineering behind these trucks ensures that they offer a precise and responsive turning experience. This means that skaters can have better control over their board, making it easier to navigate through different terrains and execute tricks flawlessly.

Another notable feature of tensor trucks is their durability. Made from high-grade materials, these trucks are built to withstand the wear and tear of skateboarding. They are designed to handle heavy impacts and rough landings, ensuring that they last longer and provide skaters with a reliable performance.

Overall, tensor trucks have proven themselves to be a top choice for skaters of all skill levels. Their combination of precision, durability, and performance make them a solid investment for anyone looking to enhance their skateboarding experience. So, whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned skater, tensor trucks are definitely a good option to consider for your next skateboard setup.

Author Details
I started this blog to provide complete advance guiding you towards a better and more comfortable variant skateboard experience. I deliver more than tools and skateboard guides and motivate people to use different skateboard. Find him on Facebook & Twitter here. Happy Reading!

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